Honey Extractors for Sale

We provide awesome honey extractors for hobbyist beekeepers and professional commercial beekeepers too!


Honey Extractor For sale

We currently stock 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 frame honey extractors. We can supply 20 and 24 frame extractors on request with a lead time of at least 12 weeks.

6 frame extractor shop

Return on Investment

By utilising a honey extractor your bees can refill the wet honey comb - now uncapped and empty - within another 7-10 days on a good nectar flow.

This means you harvest honey again in 10 days after using your honey extractor for the first time!

It could mean making twice to three times the return on your investment in a single harvest period if your apiary site is situated near an avocado orchard for example.