Settling tanks in Africa


The Settling tanks store honey!

Our view is you should only invest in a settling tank if you have more than 10 bee hives which are established! By established, we mean are ready to be honey harvested!

can make you some serious income if you are prepared to put some effort into the project.

This Honey Settling tank is designed to accommodate 200kg of raw honey while it stores the harvested honey comb. Raw honey should be allowed to settle so that impurities rise to the surface so they can be skimmed from the surface before you bottle and need to open the honey gate tap and empty the unit. The honey gate tap is included in the price.

The honey settling tank includes the airtight lid which has 3 pressure clamps built in. Theses honey settling tanks are stainless steel and comein 100kg and 200kg capacity.

settling tanks

Get involved with keeping bees with the most focus directed at purchasing bee hives and trap boxes. The more productive honeybee colonies you have the more raw honey you harvest.

For every productive mature bee hive you have you should harvest an average of 15Kg after a nectar flow. You can chase nectar flows across the provinces and achieve multiple nectar flow harvests.

Nonetheless, at an average wholesale price of R70/kg of raw filtered honey it would take you 200Kg of wholesale units to reach the critical point at which your honey extractor would be paid for in honey harvesting.

Honey extractor for sale

This translates into a minimum of 14 bee hive's entire harvest funding the cost of the honey extractor. [200kg / 15Kg per box = 13.333]

Beekeeping & Honey Harvesting

We are able to provide a honey extractor within 3 days of an order at present. However, at times, the lead time may stretch to 7 days.

It is specifically tailored towards the South African beekeeping industry. The bee book covers the local bee families and thus provides an excellent perpsective on management, projection and harvesting.

Check our basic video footage - no audio - of a hive inspection at one of apiaries in Mpumalanga province early February!


Client feedback

"As you sent the 6-frame extractor by courier we got it 3 days later & I used it the same day to extract our honey in the frames! It worked wonders and thanks so much! It was totally worth the investment!


I test drove the extractor this weekend, brilliant:)

My first robbing already covered more than half the cost of my extractor :)) ~ Russell in KZN


Product Profile - "The honey Stainless steel Settling tanks "

Honey Settling tanks
1 - Hobbyist
100kg settling tank

R1950 - Courier
*R180 - R200

2 - Excellent return on investment
200kg s/steel settling tank
R2250 - Courier
*R200 - R220
3 - High level quality s/steel

110kg Honey Heating tank

Double walled

R9500 - Courier

4 - Quick Turnover on Honey during flowering times

5 - Honey processing & storage equipment

6 - Better Apiary management

7 - So much more!

20-Frame Manual centrifuge

20-Frame Electric centrifuge, 3-phase

Order today!

Bee equipment


One can find a lot of books on beekeeping. This bee book is suited for the South African audience especially as it focuses on the Apis Mellifera Scutellata species which is prevalent in the Highveld [northern half of SA]. Most of the information can also be applied to Apis Mellifera Capensis as it resides, more or less, south of Bloemfontein [Southern half of SA].

We suggest you take a basic course in beekeeping and couple it with a copy of this professionally compiled and presented bee book. You will also need to consider equipping yourself with the items listed below:

[Bee Gloves] [Bee suits] [Hive Tools] [Hives] [Smokers] [Blue book] [Extractors]

Got the Handbook?

Start with a course. Then get a copy of the blue book of beekeeping in South Africa. Then all you need is the equipment and some bees with a suitable place to keep them.

Both hobbyist and professional beekeepers will find the blue book enhances their operation. Many topics are covered and well described and explained. There a number of colour photographs and diagrams with great detail. There is a wealth of information covered in its 288 pages, cover-to-cover.

We suggest the blue book should be mandatory for every Beekeeper to purchase when they register with SABIO.

"It's probably the best book ever written on beekeeping and its for South Africa and by a South African!" Hans Blokker of SABIO management.

One of the many useful and extremely vital pieces of bee info provided by the Blue book is that of pollination. As the editor is actually a specialist in plant research, M. J. Johannesmeier has included vast amounts of nectar tables and nectar rankings for all kinds of different plants, trees and shrubs.

The best part of the pollination section is the table providing the break down of crops that are farmed in South Africa {and globally} along with detailed information about the land area used under that crop as well as the flowering period and the amount of bee hives recommended per hectare when in pollination. The bee book provides recorded results when bees have been used to pollinate a crop on how affective their use is by measuring increase of crop yield.

The bee book goes on to then consider the different trees, shrubs and plants that are bee friendly, the nectar and pollen rating and the region these flora would be prevalent. This is invaluable for any beekeeper as you should record the flora in your area and then create an idea of the strength of the nectar flow and pollen rating of your area around the apiary!

The blue book goes on to describe more! You will also get the flowering time of year and a rating of nectar and pollen for each plant. Rated from 1 - 4 with 4 being the strongest flow you can draw a picture of exactly how strong your nectar sources are and therefore how much honey you should expect to harvest from your bees!

blue book Place your order for 'THE' book on beekeeping also known as the Blue Book titled Beekeeping in South Africa. Click on order for more info.


Practical Beekeeping ebook


We Also Recommend this... Beekeeping DVD

Bee Course DVD Practical Beginner Beekeeping training on Video!

The Practical Bee Course DVD includes tips, know how and step-by-step instructions on how to start bee keeping right now! NOW Over 150 Min of LIVE Footage!

hive tool