Storage & Processing

Heating Tanks

Heating Tank Double Wall

The Heating Tanks De-granulise Honey!

Our view is you should only invest in a heating tank if you have more than 10 beehives which are established! By established, we mean are ready to be honey harvested!

Beekeeping can make you some serious income

However, it is only worthwhile investing capital into a Honey heating tank if you have at least 10 – 30 hives that are producing honey with an average of around 15Kg each at the same time.


Waves Of Honey Hives

This Honey heating tank holds 110kg of raw honey that has granulated and can liquify it again in a matter of minutes. It comes with a 1-inch ball valve steel tap. This NEW honey heating tank is also double-walled so the honey cannot be overheated.

“As you sent the 6-frame extractor by courier we got it 3 days later & I used it the same day to extract our honey in the frames! It worked wonders and thanks so much! It was totally worth the investment!

I test drove the extractor this weekend, brilliant:)

My first robbing already covered more than half the cost of my extractor :))”



Get involved with keeping bees with the most focus directed at purchasing beehives and trap boxes. The more productive honeybee colonies you have the more raw honey you harvest.

For every productive mature beehive you have, you should harvest an average of 15Kg after a nectar flow. You can chase nectar flows across the provinces and achieve multiple nectar flow harvests.

Nonetheless, at an average wholesale price of R80/kg of raw filtered honey, it would take you 200Kg of wholesale units to reach the critical point at which your honey extractor would be paid for in honey harvesting.

This translates into a minimum of 14 bee hive’s entire harvest funding the cost of the heating tank. [200kg / 15Kg per box = 13.333]