Honey Extractors
Electric Extractors
The Centrifugal Spinner to Extract Honey!
Our view is you should only invest in an ELECTRIC extractor if you have more than 20 beehives which are established. By established, we mean they are ready to be honey harvested.
Beekeeping can make you some serious income
However, it is only worthwhile investing capital into a Honey Extractor if you have at least 10 – 30 hives that are producing honey with an average of around 15Kg each at the same time.
This Honey extractor is designed to accommodate 3/6/8/12 superframes full of honey after uncapping depending on the unit your purchase. The base holds up to 32Kg of settled and extracted raw honey before you need to open the honey gate tap and empty the unit.
“As you sent the 6-frame extractor by courier we got it 3 days later & I used it the same day to extract our honey in the frames! It worked wonders and thanks so much! It was totally worth the investment!
I test drove the extractor this weekend, brilliant:)
My first robbing already covered more than half the cost of my extractor :))”